Äskhults village consists of four farms that dates back to the year 1600. It is situated in northern Halland in the southwest of Sweden. The village has more or less the same appearance as in the 18th century. The oldest buildings are from the 17th century.
See more beautiful photos at Scenic Sunday
Since I am extremely tired of the snow, which as I write this have started to melt, I decided to show photos from last summer.
16 kommentarer:
Very scenic village! I like the house too!!
They are both gorgeous scenes and photos!
What a beautiful inspiration for what's to come. Lovely farm.
Vi hade lite lika infallsvinkel idag :-) Längtan efter vår, sommar och värme.
What a beautiful place to visit! And thanks for sharing information of the place.
Hi cat,
grazie di aver lasciato un tuo commento nel mio blog.
Le tue foto, sono molto più belle delle mie !!
felice sabato :-)
Helt perfekta bilder på en typisk Svensk sommar och snart är vi där.
It is just beautiful there. I love this. So green and lush. Excellent my friend :)
Nice...cool and green...
Very beautiful wooden house!!! It must be a great place for holidays!!!
Åh. så vackert och lite grönska, det längtar vi efter!
A farm near water must be paradise! Beautiful rural landscape in both shots!
Nice photos. Great colours.
Fina sommarbilder som omväxling till alla snöbilder. From 1 mars ska då inte jag ha någon mer snö på min blogg!
Se så vackert!
Kram från mig :-)
det är ju sådant man bara drömmer om. De gamla gårdarna är så vackra. Särskilt när de ligger vid en sjö. :)
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